Donnalynn Civello
A unique blend of Intuitive Counseling and Bio-Well energetic scanning technology to help find your balance in life.
What is the Bio-Well Bio-Energetic Scan?
The Bio-Well is a revolutionary tool based on Electro-Photonic imaging which captures the energetic footprint of a person (via Kirlian photography).
This technology scans the human fingertip and assesses the amount of photonic light resonating off your body – the more light you hold, the healthier you are from an energetic perspective.
Sickness and illness can be understood as a deficiency of light, therefore this technology is used to scan for potential physical and emotional blockages that may be a precursor to chronic illness and mental health issues.
The Bio-Well generates a real time image of your bio-energetic field. It also assesses your chakra balance + alignment as well as provides a personalized 10-min sound healing frequency which may be initiated during a session to re-align the physical body back into a state of homeostasis and coherence. ​

What is Intuitive Life Coaching?
Intuitive Life Coaching is a coaching process dedicated to helping people live better lives by helping them to better understand their lives and better understand why things happen to them the way they do.
Donnalynn is an Intuitive Life Coach and the Author of “Life Lessons, Everything You Ever Wished You Had Learned in Kindergarten.”She is dedicated to helping people identify the karmic patterns and programs running behind the scenes in their subconscious creating emotional blockages in their day-to-day realities. She specializes in providing consciousness tools to help you begin the process of personal transformation.
She is also an Inspirational Writer, Columnist and Blogger. Her work has been featured on the on FOX TV show "The Real," Well+Good, GQ Magazine, Glamour, the iHeart Radio Network, OBSERVER, Thought Catalog and Princeton Television.
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