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Beyond wellness

A new world awaits

Where nature's ancient healing power meets modern health science

Experience the Amplified Power of Nature

Enhance Quality of Sleep

Experience improved sleep and discover a calmer, more composed state of being.

Reduce Anxiety, Depression and Inflammation

Find relief from stress and pain, while achieving both emotional and physical equilibrium.

Live with Abundant Energy

Stimulate greater cellular energy, strength and immunity.

Enhance Focus & Concentration

Cultivate better attention and concentration in all aspects of life.

Welcome to the Health House

We believe nature is often our best healer. But we weren't built for everything this world now throws at us. Our bodies need an extra boost and that's what the Health House delivers.

Some of our services can seem a little techy, but we are naturalistic at heart. Our focus is to provide scientific approaches that optimize nature's potent healing potential.


The Health House is more than a spa or gym. 

It is your home of self care. We've found the tools that work and would love to share them with you.

“I'm sleeping through the night again! I haven't been able to do that since I was a teenager."

Gustav, PA


Tour the House

Because your wellness journey deserves to be traveled with dignity

Enjoy small group fitness classes; self-guided treatments with enhanced fitness equipment in your own private room; or a guided treatment with one of our wellness professionals.

Health House Services

Health Bio-Stacking

Every Health House service is designed to bring you new life, reduce inflammation and support your body's ability to heal itself. Each service also enhances the next to achieve an even stronger combined effect.

Book an individual treatment and feel a difference, or book a combined stack and experience a transformation.













< SuperStack


Cold Plunge



